LMAX Global – 外汇交易卓越
LMAX Global直接提供进入LMAX交易所中心限价订单簿和对等机构流动性,为全球客户包括经纪商、资金管理者、MT4/5经纪人和专业交易者提供透明的价格发现和具有竞争力的点差:
- 更高的市场流动性,更低的点差
- 透明执行,无“最后观望”机制
- 严格的价格/时间优先级订单匹配
- 通过网站或FIX Drop Copy实时数据反馈与对账
- 流动性强深层的市场数据
- 有竞争力的保证金机制和隔夜率
- 交易所覆盖全球:Equinix LD4、NY4、TY3和SG1
- BST - 交易时间表 - 2024年3月31日星期日至2024年10月26日星期六 下载
- DST - 交易时间表 - 2024年10月27日星期日至2024年11月2日星期六 下载
- GMT - 交易时间表 - 2024年11月3日星期日至2025年3月25日星期二 下载
API 交易 更多
LMAX Global 应用程序接口(API)技术使客户能够自动化他们的交易策略,并使用我们的可定制客户端库(Java, .NET)或我们的FIX协议进行整合。
FIX/API 用户将受益于:
市场数据访问 - 更多
阅读API要求 - 更多
- 与LMAX Global签订许可协议 - LMAX Global API 协议是针对具体实体的,您可以在区域部分的新客户页面找到。
- 具备实施复杂计算机程序的专业知识。
- 了解如果未达到最低交易门槛,将被收取的相关费用。
请求API库 - 请发送电子邮件至 TAM@LMAX.com。
.NET | 请发送电子邮件至 TAM@LMAX.com 请求我们的LMAX .NET API |
FIX | 请发送电子邮件至 TAM@LMAX.com 请求我们的FIX协议库 |
Java | 请发送电子邮件至 TAM@LMAX.com 请求我们的LMAX Java API |
网页交易 更多
- 直接访问我们所有市场
- 低延迟,匿名交易
- 流畅高效且卓越的执行
- 易于使用且功能丰富的专业用户界面
有关网页交易的更多详情可在客户页面的交易手册中找到。 关闭
移动交易 更多
- 多种订单类型,包括获利和止损条件订单,以管理您的风险
- 一键交易,关闭、取消或部分关闭仓位
- 实时账户状态信息,管理您的仓位
- 通过可自定义‘观测列表’监控关键市场,实时价格
- 使用触摸ID安全且轻松地交易
- 指定订单大小的实时、无‘最后观望’VWAP价格
- 所有LMAX流动性池(伦敦LD4、纽约NY4、东京TY3和新加坡SG1)的价格
- 所有产品高达20层市场深度
- 简单切换不同产品和场所
- 全球经济新闻
- 通过音频、视频和报告格式提供市场研究、分析和观点的全球外汇洞察
- 全球经济日历,提前警告重要经济事件

该应用程序免费下载和使用,可以在现场或演示LMAX Global账户中使用(通过应用程序或www.lmax.com/demo免费注册演示账户)。
前端交易软件供应商 更多
前端交易软件解决方案能够通过第三方交易界面访问LMAX Global流动性。
MultiCharts is an award-winning, professional trading software for charting, backtesting and multi-broker automated trading. High-definition charting, built-in indicators and strategies, one-click trading from chart and DOM, high-precision backtesting, brute-force and genetic optimisation, automated execution and support for EasyLanguage scripts are all key tools available through MultiCharts.
For more information, please visit www.multicharts.com close
PTMC (Protrader Multi-Connect) is a comprehensive professional trading platform developed especially for active traders. PTMC’s key features include fully customisable interface, advanced drawing and technical analysis charting tools, standard and advanced chart types. In addition, PTMC enables programming and testing of algorithmic strategies through AlgoStudio module, featuring strategies scripting, debugging, optimisation and back testing.
For more information, please visit www.protrader.org close
Sierra Charts
Sierra Charts is a full-featured, high-performance trading and charting platform, offering access to LMAX Global. Clients benefit from the following services and capabilities: server-side managed OCO and bracket orders, six month order fill history maintained on server and ultralow latency order routing.
For more information, please visit www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/LMAX.php close
MT4/5桥接商 更多
MT4/5桥接商使客户可以通过他们的MT4/5服务器连接到所有LMAX Global市场。
AMTS Solutions
AMTS Solutions is a fast and flexible solution for online trading, providing brokers with the maximum flexibility in configuring the liquidity, trading tools, risk management rules, order execution methods. In addition, broker clients receive high degree of protection from typical problems such as non-market quotes, arbitration and much more.
For more information, please visit www.amtssolutions.com close
Trading systems integrator, Gold-i, provides fast and reliable integration between retail and institutional trading systems on a global basis, automatically covering all retail broker risks with banks in real time.
For more information, please visit www.gold-i.com close
oneZero Financial Systems provides low-latency software systems for the foreign exchange, commodities, and futures markets. oneZero also offers an array of risk management and back-office utilities that allow any broker, from start-up to established global leader, to provide better quality service to their clients via robust, flexible technology solutions.
For more information, please visit www.onezero.com close
PrimeXM offers premium quality institutional grade solutions for MetaTrader4. PrimeXM can stream quotes via MT4 into liquidity providers and back to MT4 with thousands of real time executions per second.
For more information, please visit www.primexm.com close
Think Liquidity
The proprietary ThinkLiquidity enterprise risk engines allow for real time A book, B book and C book management and trade execution. ThinkLiquidity is an international technology firm specializing in the foreign exchange and CFD markets and is built from the ground up with a focus on maximizing brokerage revenue.
For more information, please visit www.thinkliquidity.com close
MetaTrader-to-FIX Bridge connects servers to an external liquidity provider using the FIX protocol, which allows to hedge financial risks, synchronise prices with liquidity providers and benefit from this high-speed, robust solution with extensive functionality.
For more information, please visit www.tools4brokers.com close
WADMAX Technologies
WADMAX Technologies offers risk management, liquidity and other solutions for brokers using MetaTrader platform.
WADMAX Technologies MT4 FIX Liquidity Bridge allows brokers to offset client deals according to pre-defined rules. It is the perfect risk management tool, providing brokers with great flexibility to hedge specific client groups or even all clients.
For more information, please visit www.wadmaxtech.com close
一站式解决方案 更多
一站式解决方案合作伙伴为客户提供完整的前后台解决方案,使他们能够访问LMAX Global的定价和流动性。
PFSOFT is a technology vendor providing customers with leading-edge trading technology and services. LMAX Global liquidity is integrated into PFSOFT’s Protrader platform, a professional DMA multi-asset trading platform that provides an all-in- one solution for brokerage businesses for all major markets: FX, Stocks, Futures, Options and CFDs.
For more information, please visit www.protrader.com close
ActForex is a leading independent provider of cutting-edge trading technology solutions for a multitude of FCMs, Forex Brokers, Broker/Dealers, Introducing Brokers, Money Managers and financial institutions worldwide since 2000.
For more information about ActTrader please visit www.actforex.comclose
Fair Trading Technology
Fair Trading Technology is a rapidly growing technology provider, creating new and innovative solutions for FX brokers and their clients. Our Integration Hub and T3 Broker Tools offer a suite of components to support your business, allowing you to manage all aspects of your business in one place.
For more information, please visit www.fairtradingtech.com close